Maximum impact.
Isn't that what's it all about these days anymore?
Shock me, discomfort me, throw me for a loop
Gimme a ride, gimme a high, gimme a loop de loop.
Make me fly
Make me cry
Make me feel in the midst of all this numbness
Make me scream
Make me yell
Make me have a soul to sell
Make me feel again.
Is that so hard?
Make me feel what it's like to be hurt
To be startled
To be thrown completely off guard.
Surprise me. I've seen it all before.
I'll even pay you! Give me thrills.
Give me kills.
Write me 10,000 wills.
Make me care again.
Make me want to dare again.
Make me feel something new.
So I don't feel so dead.
So I don't think I'm dying.
So this old world doesn't reek with decay so rottenly.
Make me forget the stench of dying spirits.
Thrill me. Make me feel alive again.
Shock me. I don't just want comfort anymore.
Do it all, do it boldly, do it LOUD!
Do it all for maximum impact.