Motion blur
Motion blue
Brighten the lights!
Take your cues!
a c t i o n.
"What my motivation?"
"Move with me, honey"
Make it happen
"Like butter!"
Sugar pie honey bunch
Sweet like American Pie
-- Fly by
Drive by shooting
Shutters clicking, flashes booming
Calm down, go slow
Relax and fake a smile
Take a number, wait in line
Make your turn, make your life
Polarize. Pixelate. Contrast. Consummate.
Life and death, white and black
Color and chrome, nitrate, Kodak
All on fresh film, blind to light of day
But let the darkroom develop what it may
Play it by ear
Roll with it, baby…
Get through these 4 reels of film.
Motion blur
Motion blue
Dim the lights
Close the case