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Seeing through the storm

I see my life in moments --
Flashes, almost --
Of a lightning bolt passing me by
Shooting past in a glare of thunder

And I, in the center
The eye of the storm
Watching the fury
Wretched pace of frenetic action
Swirl around me

And I sit in a chair
My bubble
Push against the side and
And push and beat against the walls of
Mine own prison
Four walls all my own
Trapped and caged like an animal
Sobbing so hard
Screaming so loud
The torments I inflict upon myself

And inside my laughter grows
Maniacal bellowing louder and louder
The noise inside is so loud
Louder than the storm outside
More destructive than the storm outside
"I kill too,
but I kill me."
My tears, like icicles from my heart
Endless sorrows, sadness

I am alone in the eye of the storm.

Such peace! Exquisite silence! Surrounds me
Inside my eye
But the iris hides and disguises
Masks with glassy rainbows
The blue storm within.